Нашел древнейшую переписку с Какузу...Улыбнуло и поржало))
Сару-сама (02:42:37 26/10/2007)
Fuck off, idiot)))
LOKI (02:43:21 26/10/2007)
off,fuck off)
LOKI (02:44:36 26/10/2007)
вот и поговорили))))
Сару-сама (02:45:53 26/10/2007)
Hell NO!!! He started again!!! Damn you, Hidan, can't you just die silently and stop stinking cause I haven't gave you money for Soap, for New coat, for brains, even for going to bathroom you need to pay me!! But Hell i'm too kind, I still allow you to live for free!!!
Сару-сама (02:47:44 26/10/2007)
Have nothing to say, mmm? Idiot!!
Сару-сама (02:47:55 26/10/2007)
LOKI (02:48:24 26/10/2007)
You kind? Do not make laugh! And to live easy I to you I shall not give!
LOKI (02:48:54 26/10/2007)
Сару-сама (02:50:44 26/10/2007)
What a wonderful speech!! Where have you learnt to talk like that, Hidan? In hell with devils? Or in the street with sluts? Mmmm? Hidan?!
LOKI (02:53:10 26/10/2007)
Fuck! I sometime shall become the reason of your death! I promise!
Сару-сама (02:54:44 26/10/2007)
Try now, and I'll smash you, burn you, freeze you, crush you, stomp, penetrate, cut, and gator you!! And most importantely I"ll tear you live for limbs!!!! And I WILL make sure you won't like it!!!
Сару-сама (02:55:32 26/10/2007)
давай ещё пост и я выкладываю это бедствие на контакт)))
Сару-сама (02:56:29 26/10/2007)
или побежал за словарём?
LOKI (02:56:58 26/10/2007)
z gbie!)
LOKI (02:57:07 26/10/2007)
Упс,я пишу!
LOKI (02:58:55 26/10/2007)
And now listen to me, the old man! The last, that to me it was necessary to work with you! If you think, that I am grateful to you, you so are mistaken! To spit I wanted on you and your threats! So, that go in ass and there die!